Продуцент, Владимир Мр.В Ђорђевић (on English, Vladimir Mr.V Djordjevic) рођен је 23. јануара 1973.год. у Београду. Владимир је српско-амерички држављанин, члан Америчке куће славних за борилачке вештине и један од најпознатијих светских стручњака у области самоодбране за потребе војних и полицијских специјалних снага. Специјалност Владимира је борба са ножем, те и дизајнира неке од најсмртоноснијих оштрица на свету, познате као " Mr.V® - Made in USA". Владимир је у септембру 1999. године основао тактички систем самоодбране, ОДБРАНА - Тактички систем самоодбране који се базира на употреби ножа, пиштоља и борбе прса у прса. Као високо квалификован инструктор самоодбране, са специфичним приступом, 'Са пиштољем и или ножем, можете да се одбраните од било ког предатора' држао је семинаре о практичној примени и употреби за војне, полицијске и безбедносне агенције у свету.
Мр.В, (бивши специјалац) у свету је познат као продуцент, редитељ, књижевник, мајстор борилачких вештина и директор сценске борбе. Он је хуманиста, лидер српске дијаспоре у Америци, јавни активиста и борац за права жена и деце против насиља у школи, породици и друштву.
Од 2017. Владимир Ђорђевић је потпредседник парламентарне странке у Србији, Покрета обнове Краљевине Србије. Владимир је координатор и шеф изборног штаба за град Београд, као и шеф кабинета председника странке, господина Војислава Михаиловића.


  • ФИЛМ

О Владимиру,

ВЛАДИМИР МР.В ЂОРЂЕВИЋ, a hand to hand combat instructor with an expertise in fight choreography. His size and weight makes him the perfect candidate for stunt scenes in action movies. He is a member at large at Illinois Film Commission and some of his notable film directing, producing and fight choreography scenes include: Betrayed (2007), Minor League: A Football Story (2010), She Wants Me (2012), Forget the Pact (2013)  and Never Change (2013). In addition, Vladimir is a Odbrana and Real Aikido Chief Instructor recognized by the USMAA (United States Martial Arts Association), USHOF (United States Martial Arts Hall Of Fame), WCRA (World Center of Real Aikido) and one of the youngest members of the American Hall of Fame of martial arts.
Vladimir’s incredible ability to adapt to any situation, whether it may be work or social related, shows the extreme versatility of his character. Not only is Vladimir capable of working long and hard independently, he works very well in group settings. His positive attitude and strong work ethics are highly contagious. Not only does he have the look as master martial artists, his skills include: author, director, producer, stuntman, and humanist. He runs his own stunt team of over 100 well-trained individual. His enormous team not only includes adults, but children and teenagers as well. Mr. V’s versatility has led him to developed several tv channel mix plans, consult local television and radio stations in Chicago and Miami area, host radio and tv talk shows, which clearly shows his natural ability to be hilarious and dangerous at the same time.
We all are especially taken by Vladimir’s leadership skills and creative mind. On numerous occasions, we witnessed his remarkable problem solving abilities. He is exceptional at remaining calm, cool, and collective, all while driven to complete any task at hand.  Mr. V has done work with some of the biggest names in the industry. Some of these stars include: Charlie Sheen, Hilary Duff, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Don "The Dragon" Wilson, Jerry Springer, Cynthia Rothrock, etc. Vladimir has an excellent rapport in the Miami and Chicago community, and has been a role model for most of the male figures in his life. His students often say he’s a giant Jason Statham, and skillful like Steven Seagal and Chuck Norris together.


Martial Arts Experience

American Vladimir Djordjevic 5 Times Inducted into US Martial Arts Hall Of Fame as Master Instructor of the Year
Action Martial Arts Magazines Hall Of Fame 2003 - Excellence in Teaching of the Martial Arts
US Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2003 - Distinguished Master Instructor of the Year
Martial Arts Association - International - Ambassador of the MAA
Lifetime member of: United States Martial Arts Association, World Center of Real Aikido, Combat Martial Arts Practitioners Association, NAPMA, International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Odbrana Worldwide HQ.
US Martial Art Hall Of Fame 2004 - Most Distinguished Law Enforcement Trainer Of The Year
TV - CBS 2 Chicago - The Best Rape Prevention Instructor in USA
  • 1993 - 2013
    Real Aikido

    USA Chief Instructor

  • 2004 - Present

    Certified Defensive Tactics Master Instructor

  • 2005 - PRESENT
    US Martial Arts Hall Of Fame

    Training Camp Instructor, Rape Prevention

  • 2006 - Present
    US Martial Arts Hall Of Fame

    Training Camp Instructor, Self Defense

  • 2007 - Present
    US Martial Arts Hall Of Fame

    Training Camp Instructor, Law Enforcement

  • 1999 - Present
    ODBRANA - Tactical Defense

    Counter Terrorism, Tactical Shooting, Officer Survival Course, Advanced Bodyguard, Odbrana Chief Instructor.



Email VladimirDjordjevic@mac.com

Phone +381 69699939

AddressСавски трг 9. 11000 Београд, Србија

Владимир Мр.В Ђорђевић је тим лидер са више-деценијском професионалном каријером, отворен за сарадњу на филмским и тв пројектима. Мр.В @ IMDb